Catalonia Ecodesign Award for the year 2019

The Official Journal of the Generalitat has published the resolution of the call for the Premio Catalunya de Ecodesign for the year 2019, which has been signed by the Councilor for Territory and Sustainability Damià Calvet.

The award is endowed with 15,000 euros in total and aims to encourage the integration of environmental aspects in the design of a product or service in order to improve environmental performance throughout its life cycle. This award has three different categories in which we can find: product, product in development and young design.

The criteria that are assessed when choosing the winner of this award are the incorporation of eco-design strategies and the contribution to the circular economy, design quality and innovation. This prize is announced every two years and is aimed directly at people who design or manufacture products, promoters of strategies or students.

If you want to know more and know the basis of the award, click here .

This article has been published by Eco-Circular, the circular economy news portal