Presentations of the Symposium "Towards a circular model of printing"

The Symposium that we held on November 24th was very well appreciated by the attendees and also by the organizers, the company Embatex and the Viladecans City Council.

Some of the attendees showed interest in having the presentations in writing, as they contained information that seemed relevant to them. We thought that these presentations might be suitable for other people who were unable to attend but who are related to the world of printing and, more generically, to the circular economy.

That is why we are publishing the texts that we had the opportunity to learn about during the day.

Here they are:

  1. Waste Agency of Catalonia. Belén Gallego: Management of resources for electrical and electronic devices:  2017 ARC Printing Symposium,
  2. EIG Company. Ignasi Cubiña: The impact of image reproduction devices. 2017 Printing_Circular_v1 EIG
  3. Nubeprint Company. Antonio Sánchez: Device fleet management. Levers for reduction. Technology as a lever .Reduction tec Nubeprint
  4. Jusprint Company. Managed printing services. Benefits. JustPrint Be eco SYMPOSIUM
  5. Javier Martinez. EmpresaEmbatex Iberia. Remanufacturing as a lever for cost reductions and environmental impacts  24-11 Javier Martinez (002)