Second call for the program managed by ICAEN: Aid line of 35 million euros for energy efficiency actions in SMEs and large companies for the industrial sector regulated by Royal Decree 440/2021, of June 22, which modify the regulatory bases published in Royal Decree 263/2019, of April 12.
The main objective is for Catalonia to achieve by 2050 an economy and a society with low intensity in the consumption of material resources, low energy intensity and carbon neutrality. Objectives set in the 2030 horizon broken down into:
- That 32% of the gross final energy consumption is from energy of renewable origin,
- Achieve a 32.5 % improvement in energy efficiency compared to future energy consumption projections.
- Reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 40% in relation to emissions in 1990.
The industrial sector with subsidized projects is promoting the decarbonisation of all consumer sectors and with particular relevance, energy saving, energy efficiency, the use of thermal energy from the environment and increased productivity with the same energy consumption
The National Energy Efficiency Fund is managed by the IDAE (Instituto para la Diversificación y Ahorro de la Energy) coming from the European Regional Development Fund; and in Catalonia they are managed by ICAEN.
The beneficiaries of the subsidies are SMEs and large companies in the industrial sector, and waste treatment companies. So are the energy service companies (ESE) that act on the basis of an energy service contract with one of the indicated companies.