Ecoindustry Conference: Opportunities and Risks of the Circular Economy


We invite you to the Conference on Opportunities and Risks of the Circular Economy, which we will hold at the Economic Promotion Center C/Moreres, 48 – 08820 El Prat de Llobregat, November 8, 2019.

The content will be as follows:

9:15 a.m       Accreditation

9:30 a.m       welcome

  • Ms. Marta Mayordomo, deputy mayor of the Economic Development Area of Prat del Llobregat City Council
  • Mr. Jordi Tort, Deputy Mayor of the Area of Economic Strategy, Work and Promotion of the City of Gavà City Council
  • Ms. Elizabeth Latorre, Councilor for Economic Development of Sant Boi de Llobregat City Council
  • Ms. Carmen Gimeno Berne, deputy mayor of Commerce and Tourism of Viladecans City Council
  • Ms. Anna Hernandez, head of the Economic Development Agency of the AMB


9:45 a.m   Business opportunities associated with the circular economy: Introduction to them and examples. Miguel Hernández, Director of the Sustainability Area of the Cerdà Institute

10:05 a.m    The vision of the company facing the challenge of change. Dr. Mar Isla Pera Director of the Circular Economy Chair. TECNOCAMPUS- MATARÓ. Attached to Pompeu Fabra University

10:25 a.m    Relational coffee

11:00 a.m    The Circular Economy and impactful technological success stories Frederic Clarens, responsible for the Waste and Industrial Ecology line EURECAT

Round Table: Examples of circular economy in the field of Eco-Industry:

  • Mr. Jordi Oliver Rodés, Director General of Laboratorio Dr. Oliver Rodes
  • Mr. Daniel Camps. HSE Specialist of J.Juan, SA
  • Ms. Mercè Badia, Director of Igualssom
  • Ms. Anna Font Palacín, Commercial Management and Customer Service of TRIE LOGISTICS, SL


11:40 a.m    Aid to companies for a circular economy. Maite Ardèvol, Circular Economy and Sustainability Coordinator ACC1Ó. Government of Catalonia

More information and registration: Elvira Aceves: / 93 478 68 78 Sign up