The circular economy of Catalonia in 2017. Mapping and analysis of opportunities

The information in this post comes fromAction

In Catalonia there are 391 companies offering circular economy solutionsTogether they add up to one turnover of 11,038 million euros and they give employment for 70,419 workers.

Prepared by ACCIÓ, the study “The circular economy in Catalonia” identifies the main characteristics of the sector, the opportunities for internationalization in specific countries and the potential of Catalonia for foreign investment. It also detects which technologies today facilitate the application of the circular economy.

+ Sustainability is in the spotlight of the European policies and the circular economy is a key axis.
+ 391 companies have been detected in Catalonia that offer circular economy solutions, have an aggregate turnover of 11,038 million euros and employ 70,419 workers.
+ 4,090 million euros of the turnover of these companies is exclusively linked to the circular economy, a volume that represents the 21st quarter of the total Catalan GDP.
+ The 91% of the identified companies are SMEs (less than 250 employees) and 83% are companies incorporated before 2007 (companies more than 10 years old).
+ In terms of turnover, 6 large waste operators concentrate more than a third of the total estimated turnover in the circular economy.
+ Waste and materials are the subsegments with the most critical mass within the circular economy offer.
+ Barcelona It is the province where the most companies are concentrated (76%). It is followed by Girona (9%) and Lleida (6%).
+ The 52.21% of companies in the segment are exporters and the 12.2% have a subsidiary abroad.
+ In Catalonia there are several initiatives and entities related to the circular economy: public administrations that promote projects and initiatives, organized clusters, universities, technology centers and other agents, fairs and international networks.
+ Within the Smart City Expo World Congress, the Circular Economy European Summit.

Watch the presentation: Circular economy in Catalonia