Type: help
Status: In term
End date: 31/12/2023  
To whom it is addressed: companies

The Catalan Energy Institute (ICAEN) has opened the call for grants for the implementation of thermal renewable energy installations in different sectors of the economy. These grants are aimed at the deployment and incorporation of thermal renewable energies in sectors of the economy, including the residential sector, and in the public sector.

The aid is part of Component 7 "Deployment and integration of renewable energies" of the Recovery, Transformation and Resilience Plan.

Eligible actions

Two different incentive programs are established with the following eligible actions:

These actions must meet the specific requirements established in Annex I of the Regulatory Bases.

Given the innovative nature of these incentive programs, only actions initiated after the registration date of the application in the case of Incentive Program 1 or on December 23 of l year 2021 in the case of Incentive Program 2.


Within the Incentives Program 1, the following subjects will be the last recipients of these grants, as long as they carry out an economic activity for which they offer goods or services on the market:

Within the framework of the Incentives Program 2, the following subjects will be the last recipients of these grants, as long as they do not carry out any economic activity for which they offer goods or services on the market:


The initial total budget for these grants at state level is 150,000,000 euros. Catalonia receives 26,494,132 euros distributed as follows:

The amount of aid is established in Annex III of the Regulatory Bases for each incentive program and type of subsidized action. The amount of the aid to be awarded will be the sum of the Basic Aid and the Additional Aid. For Incentives Program 1, aimed at companies, the maximum base aid will be 35% of the eligible cost in the case of large companies, 40% in the case of medium-sized companies and 45% for small ones.

With regard to the additional aid, if the actions are carried out in Demographic Challenge municipalities, the percentage of aid applicable to the subsidized cost will be increased by five percentage points. Municipalities of up to 5,000 inhabitants and non-urban municipalities of up to 20,000 inhabitants are considered Demographic Challenge municipalities in which all the unique population entities have less than 5,000 inhabitants.


The application period will begin at 9:00 a.m. on August 2, 2022 and will end when the available budget is exhausted or, at the latest, on December 31, 2023.

Regulatory Bases (.PDF document)

Access to the procedure

Consult the details of this call


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Legal referenceDOGC no. 8721 of 01-08-2022

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