need a good reason to adopt in your company or organization the new building techniques and sustainable management of buildings?.

what do you think 10 ?

  1. Companies can get theirs back initial costs through improvements in the life cycle and reductions in consumption and energy, among others.
  2. These buildings can be designed so that they increase the cost-benefit for their promoters.
  3. Sustainability increases the productivity of employees.
  4. It also improves the health and well-being in the workplace, which can lead to lower absenteeism and lower costs in health and hygiene at work. People spend 90% of their time inside buildings every day.
  5. Clean and healthy buildings can reduce lawsuits and legal risks for building operators and owners.
  6. High efficiency sustainable features result in a high value for tenants of the building
  7. Likewise, they increase the value of the asset, thanks to easier maintenance, higher occupancy rates and higher market valuations.
  8. Using sustainable criteria can allow companies to gain the advantages of different subsidy programs, local, regional, national and European Union subsidies and aid.
  9. The society values more to companies that follow environmentally friendly practices.
  10. The efficient management of energy resources and the life cycles of all building components will allow better and more predictable financial resultsof the buildings

conclusion: “If your company can consume less energy, produce less waste and reduce total annual building expenses, while improving employee satisfaction, the question is…. why isn't he doing it?” Gary Saulson, PNC Bank

This post is based on one of the interesting documents of the Green Construction Council Spain.

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