Subvencions per a projectes de foment de l’economia circular
Aquesta subvenció preten ser un instrument a l’abast de les empreses, de manera que els permeti millorar el comportament ambiental en matèria de prevenció de residus i accelerar la transició cap a models de producció
You can now consult the program of the third Café Taller and register
Coffee-workshop “Zero Waste, Maximum Benefits: ESG Strategies for Industry Coffee-workshop “Zero Waste, Maximum Benefits: ESG Strategies for Industry 12/12/2024 from 9.15am to 11.30am Prat de Llobregat Economic Promotion Center
You can now consult the program of the new Café Taller and register
Hours: from 9:30 a.m. at 11:30 a.m. Place: VIE, Viladecans Business Innovation, Ed. Cúbic (Pg. de la Marina, 31, entrance by Av. Segle XXI) More information and registration: Café-workshop “Decarbonize your industry: Solutions
Aid to promote the circular economy
The Ministry for Ecological Transition and the Demographic Challenge, through the Biodiversity Foundation, has called for aid to promote the circular economy. The object of the call is the execution of projects and actions
Aid for the boost to the electric and connected vehicle value chain
The Ministry of Industry and Tourism calls for grants for projects to boost the electric and connected vehicle value chain, financed with European Next Generation funds. Actions that are part of any of these will be eligible for aid