Examples of circular economy

Companies have discovered the benefits of the circular economy and express their creativity applied to products and services that add value and benefit the environment. These that we present here are examples of large companies, but also medium and small ones are concerned about disposing of their waste by offering it to other companies (see the section on Business opportunities), and they begin to take into account the waste of others as a raw material in their production.

For example:

Novell Cafes has created su first compostable coffee capsule;
IKEA has launched the campaign in Madrid #SalvemosLosMuebles: buy and sell furniture that customers want to get rid of, to give it a second life;
•The 'motosharing' service Muving went into operation in Barcelona during the month of May,  Moving, the fourth electric motorcycle sharing operator, with a software that allows you to reserve and park the motorcycle with your smartphone through its own application, which also allows you to identify which vehicles are around the user.

Do you know more examples of applied circular economy? Send us your comments and examples to empresa@viladecans.cat