Were you a circular company? Tell it here!!

On the Ecoindústria website we are making new purposes for 2018. There is one that we are clear about: we want to know, communicate and spread circular companies, sustainable projects and initiatives whose philosophy is based on the motto of reducing, reusing and recycling. We want to spread the word about what commercial, industrial and service companies are doing that […]
Presentations of the Symposium "Towards a circular model of printing"

The Symposium that we held on November 24th was very well evaluated by the attendees and also by the organizers, the company Embatex and the Viladecans Town Council. Some of the attendees showed interest in having the presentations in writing, because they contained information that seemed relevant to them. We thought that these papers could [...]
Cycle "Growing without consuming: circular economy experiences"

In the context of the cycle Grow without consuming: circular economy experiences, organized by Palau Macaya under the scientific direction of ERF-Estudi Ramon Folch, the round table "Buildings" will take place on December 12 at 6.30 pm at Palau Macaya sustainable: experiences and trends", synthesis of the 4 sectoral workshops dedicated to Certification, Materials, Cycle [...]
Congratulations to Printer Phoenix: the ARC has granted them a grant

The Printer Phoenix project, developed by the Consuprint SL company from Viladecans, has been selected as a recipient of one of the grants for circular economy promotion projects by the Catalan Waste Agency. The increase in electronic waste is one of the biggest concerns that our society must face and, therefore, in Europe and Spain new regulations and important reduction objectives have been put in place [...]
Ecoindustry Project: circular economy models in companies

The town councils of El Prat de Llobregat, Gavà and Viladecans are coming together to carry out the Ecoindústria project, focused on promoting circular economy models in companies. You are interested if ….. You want to improve the competitiveness of your business and the management of your own products. Do you want to explore the possibility of giving a new [...]
Celebration of the Symposium "Towards a circular model in printing"

Symposium "Towards a circular model in printing" November 24, from 9:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m., at the Can Calderon center (c. Andorra, 64 de Viladecans) The commitment to sustainability is part of Embatex's business strategy Iberia SL and, from its e-commerce website, makes it clear: "Printer Phoenix undertakes to repair, [...]
Brussels launches the BRIC project to train young people in reusing construction materials

The EFP training center, in Brussels-capital, has presented a sustainable, evolutionary and removable training module, in the framework of the BRIC (Build Reversible In Conception) project. BRIC is a pilot project of the BAMB (European Buildings as Banks) program, whose objective is to design buildings optimizing materials from a circular economy perspective, says the Foundation for Circular Economy. The […]
The circular economy is the immediate future

Companies face an increasingly complicated challenge that, at the same time, is also an opportunity: to grow and generate value despite environmental problems, and the scarcity and volatility of the supply of raw materials. Within very little the model of linear growth of production, intensive in the use of […]
Sustainable everyday products

The principles of the circular economy are increasingly present in the manufacture of products, aware that the reuse and use of sustainable raw materials are not only an aid to the planet - origin of this philosophy - but a growing market demand and a legal requirement that is being extended in [...]
The circular economy of Catalonia in 2017. Mapping and analysis of opportunities

The information in this post comes from Acció In Catalonia there are 391 companies that offer circular economy solutions. Together they have a turnover of 11,038 million euros and employ 70,419 workers. Prepared by ACCIÓ, the study "The circular economy in Catalonia" identifies the main characteristics of the sector, the opportunities for internationalization in specific countries and the potential of Catalonia for [...]