Advanced materials and the industrial challenges of the future

We are pleased to invite you to the Business Meeting 'Advanced materials and the industrial challenges of the future'. Through projects developed at the UPC, we will present the central role of advanced materials as a facilitating technology to face the new challenges in: Health: Biomaterials, biosensors and drug release. Energy and environment: Hydrogen production, reuse of plastics and valorization [...]
Where is R&D going in the circular economy?

Do you want to know the trends in R+D+i projects in the area of the circular economy and network with other companies and entities? At the intercommunity day you will discover the projects that are being carried out in Catalonia and the different products and services developed. You will also be able to network with the other participants. Friday, May 10, 2019 From [...]
Ecoindústria promotes the circular economy in the Llobregat delta

The Ecoindústria project wants to achieve a sustainable model in the Llobregat Delta at an environmental, economic and social level through the promotion of the circular economy. It is organized by the town councils of El Prat de Llobregat, Gavà, Sant Boi de Llobregat and Viladecans, and has the collaboration of the Provincial Council of Barcelona. The project pursues two [...]
Circular Market, Spain's circular economy website

Circular Market is a collaborative platform to connect companies, with the objective of helping them create value in their operations. Circular Market allows companies that the waste and by-products of one organization become the raw material of another organization. In addition, this platform allows users to connect to make joint purchases, [...]
Ecoindustry Day: December 18, 2018 at Cúbic

The II Ecoindústria Conference 2018 focuses its objectives on identifying opportunities and actions for transition towards the Circular Economy through two lines of action: individual advice and group dynamics that generate ideas, synergies and cooperation. Two ways that add up to help you innovate towards business models that allow you to reduce costs in resources and processes, and the generation of [...]
Public tender: technical assistance service to implement a pioneering Circular Economy program

The Economic Development Agency of the CON has issued a public tender to implement the program to promote the green and circular economy in the metropolis of Barcelona. This program aims to promote the practices of industrial symbiosis, stimulating contact and intermediation between companies to #promote innovative collaborations in the metropolitan area. In this [...]
A plastic is created from vegetable waste that can be recycled, composted and biodegraded in the marine environment

This new material is obtained from vegetable waste (such as potatoes or carrots) and can be used in the manufacture of containers such as bottles or trays for food and drinks. Aware of the environmental impact of waste in nature, and of the need to bet on prevention in all areas, TheCircularLab, [...]
The call for subsidies for the treatment of industrial waste has been published

The call for grants has been opened for the implementation of prevention projects, preparation for the reuse and recycling of industrial waste, in a competitive competition regime. The processing, resolution and awarding of the grants provided for in this call, as well as the conditions, the assessment criteria, the requirements [...]
Catalonia Ecodesign Award for the year 2019

The Diario Oficial de la Generalitat has published the decision on the call for the Catalonia Ecodesign Award for the year 2019, which has been signed by the Minister for Territory and Sustainability Damià Calvet. The award is endowed with 15,000 euros in total and aims to encourage the integration of environmental aspects [...]
2018 grants for circular economy promotion projects

The call for grants for circular economy promotion projects by the Catalan Waste Agency has been published today. Characteristics (specified in the regulatory bases): Mode of participation: competitive competition Beneficiaries: private companies and groups of private companies that have at least one operating establishment located in Catalonia. The promoter of the project must be […]