Spanish Circular Economy Strategy

From today until March 12, the Spanish Circular Economy Strategy will be available to the public, thus starting the process of public information. You can send the following email address to The draft can be consulted at the following link: “Draft of the Spanish Circular Economy Strategy” This Strategy [...]

Aid program for energy efficiency in SMEs and large industrial companies

In the resolution of December 11, 2017, the budget for the second call for the aid program for energy efficiency actions in SMEs and large companies in the industrial sector is expanded. The resolution is published by the Instituto para la Diversificación y Ahorro de la Energía (IDAE), an organization attached to the Ministry of Energy, Tourism [...]

Subsidies awarded to Viladecans companies by the Waste Agency of Catalonia

Last year, the municipalities of Gavà and Viladecans came together to carry out the Ecoindústria project. Symbiosis in local industry, focused on the promotion of circular economy models in companies. A variety of companies from the municipality of Viladecans participated in the project and some of them applied for the subsidy for [...]

Eco-industry: contents of the meeting of companies on January 19 in El Prat de Llobregat

On January 19, 2018, the inauguration session of the Ecoindustry project, 2nd edition, was held at the Economic Promotion Center in El Prat de Llobregat. We explain the content that was developed following the program of the session: 9.00 a.m. Accreditation – With the collaboration of the Rubricatus Foundation, accreditations were provided with [...]

What is sustainable construction?

Sustainable Construction can be defined as that which, having special respect and commitment to the environment, involves the efficient use of energy and water, resources and materials that are not harmful to the environment, is healthier and is directed towards a reduction of the environmental impacts. This leads to a change in [...]

Eco-industry: meeting of companies on January 19 in El Prat de Llobregat

Do you want to know what the circular economy is and how to apply it to your company? The circular economy is a restorative and regenerative model that seeks for products, components and raw materials to maintain their value and utility at all times. A way to address the challenges facing the company and that will generate growth, employment and reduce […]

Were you a circular company? Tell it here!!

On the Ecoindústria website we are making new purposes for 2018. There is one that we are clear about: we want to know, communicate and spread circular companies, sustainable projects and initiatives whose philosophy is based on the motto of reducing, reusing and recycling. We want to spread the word about what commercial, industrial and service companies are doing that […]

Presentations of the Symposium "Towards a circular model of printing"

The Symposium that we held on November 24th was very well evaluated by the attendees and also by the organizers, the company Embatex and the Viladecans Town Council. Some of the attendees showed interest in having the presentations in writing, because they contained information that seemed relevant to them. We thought that these papers could [...]

Cycle "Growing without consuming: circular economy experiences"

In the context of the cycle Grow without consuming: circular economy experiences, organized by Palau Macaya under the scientific direction of ERF-Estudi Ramon Folch, the round table "Buildings" will take place on December 12 at 6.30 pm at Palau Macaya sustainable: experiences and trends", synthesis of the 4 sectoral workshops dedicated to Certification, Materials, Cycle [...]