Today it was published call for grants for projects promoting the circular economy of the Waste Agency of Catalonia.

Characteristics (specified in the regulatory bases):

Class A. Market implementation projects for new products or services

Class B. Studies for obtaining and testing prototypes or demonstration projects for new products or services

Projects must be from one of the following: categories:

  1. Ecodesign of products or services that promote greater efficiency of material resources other than water throughout the life cycle, with the exception of projects that focus exclusively on reducing waste in the manufacturing stage, which are the subject of the Subsidy Order for the execution of projects for the prevention, preparation for reuse and recycling of industrial waste. The project must include the execution of an analysis with a life cycle approach to the product or service, unless the application can be proven to have already been carried out. Examples: dematerialized, multifunctional products, manufactured with recycled materials, long-lasting, repairable, recyclable, modular and upgradable, etc.
  2. New business models that favor resource efficiency (servitization, collaborative economy, etc.)
  3. Reuse and repair of products.
  4. Used product return services promoted by the distributor or manufacturer of these products, with the aim of reusing, remanufacturing or recycling them (take-back schemes).
  5. Remanufacturing
  6. Industrial symbiosis that promotes the efficiency of material resources other than water.
  7. New applications of recycled materials.
  8. New processes or technologies that allow waste that is not currently being recovered to be recovered, or that increase the performance and/or quality of existing third-party waste recovery operations.
  9. Landfill mining for material recovery.
  1. The labor cost of the own staff dedicated to the coordination and execution of the project.
  2. The costs of consumables and materials, except for raw materials used for the mass production of products.
  3. Analyses and tests directly related to the environmental quality of the product or service or its suitability for use.
  4. Equipment rental.
  5. The purchase of equipment (only depreciation cost in class A projects).
  6. Consulting and/or engineering activities or other services that are necessary for the execution of the project, including the preparation of the technical-economic and environmental feasibility results report, if applicable.
  7. The cost of reviewing the supporting account by an auditor, maximum 51% of the total eligible budget, limit of 1,000 euros.
  8. Indirect expenses: general expenses and indirect costs up to a maximum of 51% of the total eligible budget of the project, without the need for justification.

Those of you who are interested in applying already know that you have our support when managing the documentation and writing the proposal.    


I hope you will be encouraged to submit projects! If you have any questions, we are at your disposal.

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